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Items tagged with: covid

Happy July… 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

It gets worse before it gets better, right?


Idk who this 36 year old British TV star is… but this is CLEARLY #sarscov2 #covid BUT NARY A F%£*NG MENTION

Human society is composed of the species that has the conceit to call itself the thinking ape, but #Covid #brain damage is putting that in peril. We are seeing the effects in the drivers around us, the mistakes being made in orders placed, the regular near-misses with airlines.

Yet it’s barely talked about. This seems unbelievable, until you stop and look at what’s happening from an evolutionary perspective. Then it’s horrifyingly clear.

I’ve programmed computers to evolve stuff. 🧵

There's been a mini-surge of new clinical trials for next generation Covid vax:

- an intranasal vaccine from the NIAID going into phase 1;

- another intranasal vaccine got a US Project NextGen-funded big phase 2 trial - & so did an encouraging nextgen vax for people with immunosuppression;

- another vax designed to improve protection for people with immunosuppression is in phase 1 in Australia.

All this & more in my new update post @PLOS

#Vaccines #Covid #Covid19

Americans must be reminded, #TFG intentionally sought to infect ppl with #Covid, incl. Biden:

His disastrous Jun rally in Tulsa probably led to H Cain’s death.

TFG had tested positive for COVID days before the debate with Biden -he'd probably contracted COVID earlier than anyone suspected. This casts TFG’s behavior around the debate in a far more disturbing light. If Biden had been infected, it'd have kept him off the campaign trail during the last month of a close c-.

Governor Hochul Abruptly Ends COVID Sick Leave for NY State Employees - Hell Gate

#covid #nys #PublicHealth #Labor

I knew the CDC is no longer tracking Covid cases, but this still seems like an absurd state of affairs. "Most likely increasing"?

"Cases are most likely increasing in 39 states & aren’t declining anywhere in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ...

"The CDC no longer tracks Covid cases, but it estimates transmission based on emergency department visits."

Also: Zero mention of masks in this article.

#Covid #Covid19 #CovideIsNotOver

An Understanding of Why Let it Rip is Happening.

tldr; it's business ( corporate profit seeking business ) as normal

Couldn't understand why #LetItRip has been the #CovidResponse of govs around the globe.

Then I read the article below about how 275 million deaths (EDIT 2.7 million only) a year in #Europe are facilitated by corporations actions so as to boost profits.

#Covid deaths of 2 million total just don't stack up against 2.7 million annual. (Edited)

From Dr. David Putrino, Director of Rehabilitation Innovation for the Mount Sinai Health System, and a Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation & Human Performance at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai:

"We need to be very, very firm with our messaging that there is no such thing as a mild SARS-CoV-2 infection. There is no such thing as a SARS-CoV-2 infection that does NOT have prolonged consequences.”

h/t @Brad
#Covid #Covid19 #CovidIsNotOver

Can we talk about pandemics for a second? Can we talk about how badly managed the early stages of the next pandemic are in the US and with a significantly higher fatality rate than covid, a lot of people could die? Like potentially half?

Can we talk about how politicised population health management has become because profits? Can we talk about how the economy needs people to exist, and if half of all people die in a pandemic, then there is no economy? Can we talk about how "the pandemic is over" is a lie?

Can we talk about mass disabling events and the impact that has on society? Can we talk about the lies regarding children's experience of covid? Can we talk about how relatively inexpensive mitigation (air purifiers, masking, etc) have been demonised?

Can we talk about how big corporations blocked cheap vaccines in poor nations? Can we talk about how covid is now "just like the flu?" Can we talk about how the flu is actually a very serious virus? Can we talk about chronic fatigue/post-viral syndrome/long covid have been poorly managed forever?

Can we keep talking about all of this? Can we lobby our politicians, health leaders and the like and get them to take this seriously? Can we have as much health as possible and not have it taken away from us by a disease that could be better managed societally?

#covid #CovidIsNotOver #Pandemic

The NC Governor vetoed the anti-mask bill, and now it will go back to the House of Rep who could over-ride that. We cannot have that. It does not protect maskers.

I put info why, including a sample email and the email addresses of the house that you can copy and paste and send out ASAP

#MaskUp #covid #CovidIsNotOver #LongCOVID #HB237

We've had to let go of friends who believe covid is "just a cold" or who deny long covid -- and it hurts.

This is the last day to pre-order and support The Covid Safety Handbook:

#covid #COVID19 #kickstarter #books #audiobook #LongCovid

My latest project: the Ban-Proof Respirator

#covid #masking #maskbans #facemasks #masks #covid19

John Moore, virologist/immunologist from Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences in NYC and I take the #NYTimes to task for two opinion pieces on #COVID earlier this month. Both pieces are examples of "science opinion", where non-experts weigh in on topics beyond their ken. #epidemiology #infectiousdisease